Now a world is getting small with the increment of technology. Technology is getting so much advanced day by day and works very smartly. And there is good things for all teenagers as well as mature, children or people of all age are engaging very much in this technology. Social media is very popular and attracting people of all age with all genders. Facebook is one of the parts of Social media. This is a website where you can make new friends with whom you can chat or you can do call. On Facebook, you can upload your pictures, locations, stories and many other things. In today’s generation, every second person is having a smart phone and more than 65% person is having an account on Facebook. It is very much broad concept which includes many things. With the forward steps of digital world, Facebook is also getting advanced by every single day. There are lots of new features in Facebook you can see and use.
But sometimes, due to these features, Facebook is getting down and sometimes you have to face some issues in it. These issues make you stuck and you are forced to report a problem. So, here we are giving you a method which is very helpful in reporting a problem for you and these are like:
- If you are having any problem and you want to report a problem about it, just click on a QUESTION MARK icon on the top-right corner of the home page.
- After that there is an option of report a problem.
- You have to click on that button and after that you have to just follow all the instruction for reporting a problem.
So, after doing all the steps which is mentioned above, you would able to report a problem. It is good that you will give more information about your issue and also add some pictures to clarify the situation. And within very less time, you will get your account back and your issue will be solved. And besides from this if you are ever suffering from any issue, just dial Facebook Helpline Number USA 1-844-285-3100 and our team will be surely present there to help you. We will solve your issue within a short time and our experts make you feel very happy with your resolved issues.